official website of a government organization of Ukraine.

Total collected: $ 0

Total collected: $ 0


Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго

Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго

Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго


My name is Sylvie, I am 66 years old, and I live in Limoges, central France. I am now retired and used to work as a lawyer and teacher. My husband died in 2020, he was the love of my life. I have two children and two grandchildren and love spending time with them.

All my life I have been involved in social initiatives in various fields – women's rights, helping refugees, fighting social inequality. In recent years, I have dedicated myself to advocating for animal welfare. However, upon learning on February 24, 2022, that Russia was bombing Ukrainian cities, I immediately decided to do everything I could to help the Ukrainians.

The news of the war reminded me of my great-grandmother and great-grandfather, who were born in Ukraine, in Buchach, Ternopil region, and moved to France in the 1930s. My great-grandmother was Jewish. I remember her making us buckwheat and singing Yiddish.
Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго
Photo: Association for assistance to Ukrainians

I have been supporting Ukrainians since March 2022, when the association for assistance to Ukrainians was created in Limoges. I participate in demonstrations and charity events for Ukrainians who have moved to our city. Soon after the invasion, I started learning Ukrainian – it's beautiful, although very complex. I started with the Cyrillic alphabet and learned the national anthem of Ukraine. Now, a young Ukrainian friend who moved to our city with her son is assisting me with this. In addition, I explore the history of Ukraine, watch reports, and dream of visiting Ukraine as soon as possible. This country deserves recognition and love.

Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго

Since the launch of the UNITED24 platform, I have become a regular donor to it. I am a pensioner, so my monthly donation is small – only 30 euros. Another contribution I've made is a book about Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I was so impressed by the heroism of your president during the war that in the summer of 2022, I decided to write a book about him Qui étes-vous Monsieur Zelensky? Modeste hommage à un héros planétaire (Who are you, Mr. Zelenskyy? A modest tribute to the planetary hero). This is a biography of Zelenskyy, recounting his extraordinary life and highlighting what a wonderful person he is. I transfer all rights and royalties to UNITED24. Recently, I donated 150 euros from the proceeds of my book sale.


I am currently writing a second book dedicated to Ukraine. It tells the story of a French woman in love with your country whose life was stirred up by the war. I also plan to transfer all rights and profits from sales to UNITED24.


I will support Ukraine as long as it is necessary. I wish I could do more. If I were 30 years younger, I would have taken up weapons and fought alongside you. I believe wholeheartedly in the victory of Ukraine and pray for that every day.

Сильві Ебенштайн-Куго

Наразі я пишу другу книгу, присвячену Україні. Вона розповідає про француженку, закохану у вашу країну, життя якої сколихнула війна. Усі права та прибуток з продажів я також планую передати UNITED24.</p><p>Я підтримуватиму Україну доти, доки це буде необхідно. Шкодую, що не можу зробити більше. Якби я була молодшою на 30 років, то взяла б зброю та воювала пліч-о-пліч з вами. Я всім серцем вірю в перемогу України та молюсь за це щодня.
